
News from the Hutt - Nyiawung 26/02/20

""GEG's Richard Nyiawung, a PhD student in Phil Loring's lab, has made two significant accomplishments this year!

First, Richard was awarded $12k from the Robin Rigby Trust for Community-focused Coastal Research, which will support his doctoral research in The Gambia.

Geographers in the News - Moola 02/26/20

Faisal Moola was recently interviewed by the CBC on the Conservation Through Reconciliation Partnership, which is a 5 year program led by Faisal along with Robin Roth, Noella Gray, and Jen Silver. 

The article provides a summary of the CRP, including efforts to decolonize conservation policy and practice by Indigenous Peoples. It highlights the work of our department and their Indigenous partners.

Geographers in the News - KC 02/19/20

Research scientist Krishna KC  along with Evan Fraser have captured headlines this week on the University webpage, the Globe and Mail, and CBC to name a few, with their research on climate change and the environmental affects of increased farmland.  Read the University page here.

News from the Hutt - RDA 1/30/20

Prof Emeritus Robin Davidson-Arnott has been awarded the International Society for Aeolian Research Distinguished Career Award. Robin will be presented with this award at the ICAR-2020 meeting in Namibia  this summer. 

Mike Hilton writes " encapsulate all that is good about academia and aeolian geomorphology. You have been an inspiration to a generation (or two?) of geomorphologists..."

Congratulations Robin!

News from the Hutt - Must 12/16/19

Congratulations to doctoral graduate Erin Must (advisor: Roberta Hawkins) who has won the O.P. Dwivedi Graduate Prize for International Development. Erin's thesis title is "Women’s Cattle Ownership in Northwestern Botswana: 'Anything you bring up with your own hands will multiply'". 

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