Field Trip Gallery

For many of our geography students, a highlight of their degree is their participation in the annual field trip, which has been running since 1969.  Below you can find photos from most of these trips.

Though we strive to keep the costs of participation manageable, for some students the field course is too great a cost.  We are therefore grateful for a generous gift from Shauneen and Michael Bruder, graduates of the College of Social Science in 1980, which provides $3500 annually to support student participation in the field course.

Starting in 2015, the Shauneen and Michael Bruder Geography Scholarship is available to students enrolled in the Field Course (Geog*4690) with a minimum 75% cumulative average and an identified financial need. Apply by October to Student Financial Services.

Thanks to Shauneen and Michael!


1969 Collingwood, ON Yatsu, Falconer
1970 Collingwood, ON Bloomfield, Fuller et al
1972 Detroit, MI Bloomfield, Falconer
1976 Keppel Twp./Wiarton Mage, Keddie
1977 Detroit/Windsor Bloomfield, Kreutzwiser
1978 Nebraska/Arizona Smit, Nickling, Fahey
1981 UK: Devon/S.Wales Joseph, Nickling, Keddie
1982 Bruce Peninsula Dahms, Fahey, Bowler
1983 Arizona Nickling, Keddie, Mage
1985 UK: Devon/S. Wales Nickling, Bloomfield
1986 Peterborough Joseph, Mage
1987 The Rockies: Alberta Kostaschuk, Smit
1989 France: Pau & Area (1) Moss, Dahms
1990 Vancouver Island Miyanishi, Kuhn
1991 France: Pau & Area (2) Dahms, Moss
1992 New Brunswick/Nova Scotia Davidson-Arnott, Keddie
1993 UK: Devon & S. Wales (1) Joseph, Nickling, Kuhn
1995 UK: Devon & S. Wales (2) Joseph, Smithers, Nickling
1996 Alberta Kreutzwiser, Miyanishi, Kostaschuk
1997 St. Kitts (1) Davidson-Arnott, Kuhn
1998 Alberta: Canmore, Banff Kreutzwiser, Kostaschuk, Miyanishi
1999 UK: Devon & S. Wales Joseph, Nickling, Smithers
2000 St. Kitts (2) Davidson-Arnott, Kuhn, Bennett
2001 Nevada/California (1) Nickling, Kreutzwiser, Bennett
2002 St. Kitts (3) Kuhn, Davidson-Arnott, Bennett
2003 Nevada/California (2) Nickling, Kreutzwiser
2004 British Columbia (1) Gedalof, Kostaschuk, Patrick
2005 St. Kitts (4) Davidson-Arnott, Kuhn, Hovorka
2006 British Columbia (2) Gedalof, Kostaschuk, Bradshaw
2007 The Mojave (1) Gedalof, Nickling, Kreutzwiser
2008 Devon & Cornwall Smithers, Berg
2009 The Mojave (2) Gedalof, Nickling, Bloom
2010 British Columbia (3) Gedalof, Gray, Mount
2011 Canmore, Alberta Berg, Parizeau, Bennett
2012 Catskills, New York Cockburn, Hovorka, Smit
2013 Canmore/Banff, Alberta Berg, Bennett, Parizeau
2014 Vancouver Island Silver, Gedalof
2015 Mt. Desert Island, Maine Gedalof, Hooykaas
2016 Acadia National Park, Maine Cockburn, Hooykaas
2017 Alberta Berg, Roth
2018 Nova Scotia Calvert, Davidson-Arnott
2023 North Carolina Cockburn, Gray
2025 Morocco Berg, Moola