Militz, Elisabeth

I am a feminist political and cultural geographer with an interest in researching digital spaces of social media and the most intimate scale of the body. My research brings together feminist geographies, (queer) feminist theories of affect/emotion, geographies of the body and intimacy, digital geographies and empirical research in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and on Instagram.
From an intersectional research perspective, I want to understand how digital spaces of intimacy, emotions, and everyday experiences of nationalism or sexual politics are interwoven. In my doctoral work, I developed the concept of affective nationalism and examined how feelings of national belonging arise in banal everyday encounters between different bodies, objects, practices and places. The idea of the global intimate, which means that intimate bodily and life experiences and global flows of bodies, technologies and knowledge are interconnected, inspires my current research on geographies of the digital intimate. In this research, for example, I investigate the role of affects/emotions in the creation of knowledge spaces about the intimate body on social media. Please find more information on my current research project “The digital intimate: exploring marginalized sexualities on Instagram” on Instagram.
I also like to experiment with qualitative and ethnographic research methodologies in geography. I am particularly interested in the limits, possibilities and challenges of multi-sensory, affectual methodologies and feminist-geographic online research.
“Feminist Social Media Research Methodologies”. Principial Investigator together with Dr. Roberta Hawkins. Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Insight Development Grant (2022-2024)
“A Digital Geography of Marginalized Sexualities in Kyrgyzstan”. Principal Investigator. Swiss National Science Foundation, Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship (2021-2023)
- “Clad in hope: affective geographies of the bridal dress”. Principal Investigator. Swiss National Science Foundation, Scientific Exchange Grant (2018)
- “Affective nationalism and the capacity of political manipulation: locating affect, subjectivity, and fantasies of the nation in Azerbaijan”. Principal Investigator. University of Zurich, Research Credit Candoc (2014-2015)
Schurr, C., Marquardt, N. and E. Militz (2023): Intimate technologies: Towards a feminist perspective on geographies of technoscience. Progress in Human Geography 47, no. 2: 215-237. [open access]
Militz, E. (2023): Intimate geographies of virginal blood. Cultural Geographies 30, no. 1: 123-139. [open access].
Militz, E. and N. Kupueva (2022): Towards a digital transformation of comprehensive sexuality education in Kyrgyzstan? OSCE Academy Policy Briefs, no. 82 (December): 1-8. [open access]
Militz, E. (2022): Soziale Medien als digitale intime Infrastrukturen: das Beispiel Instagram. sub\urban 10, no. 2/3: 149-156. [open access]
Militz, E. (2022): "I am resolving the pain” - rechte Raumnahme (üb)erleben. Geographische Zeitschrift 110, no. 3: 196-201.
Militz, E., Ruppert, L., and C. Schurr (2022). Solidarity, the national flag, and embodied differences Political Geography, online first.
Jokela-Pansini, M. and E.Militz (2022). Breathing new futures in polluted environments (Taranto, Italy). Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, online first. [open access]
Militz. E. (2022). Affekte und Emotionen. Mehr-als-menschliche Geographien: Schlüsselkonzepte, Beziehungen und Methodiken, editey by C. Steiner, G. Rainer, V. Schröder and F. Zirkl. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 87-108. Open access.
Militz, E., I. Dzudzek, and C. Schurr (2021). Feministische Geographien der Technowissenschaften. Handbuch Feministische Geographien. Arbeitsweisen und Konzepte, edited by Autor*innenkollektiv Geographie und Geschlecht. Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, pp. 190–214.
Autor*innenkollektiv Geographie und Geschlecht (2021). Handbuch Feministische Geographien. Arbeitsweisen und Konzepte. Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
Militz, E., ed. (2021). Feministische Digitale Geographien. Feministische Geo-RundMail 85, no. April.
Duplan, K., and E. Militz (2021). Pasts, Presents and Futures of Feminist Geographies in Switzerland. GeoAgenda 2021, no. 1: 26-31.
Militz, E. (2020). Killing the Joy, Feeling the Cruelty: Feminist Geographies of Nationalism in Azerbaijan. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38, no. 7–8: 1256–74.
Militz, E., C. Faria, and C. Schurr (2020). Affectual Intensities: Writing with Resonance as Feminist Methodology. Area 52, no. 2: 429–36.
Schurr, C., and E. Militz (2020). Reproductive Rights. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Second Edition), edited by A. Kobayashi, 435–42. Oxford: Elsevier.
Militz, E. (2019). Towards Affective Nationalism. Gender, Place & Culture 26, no. 2: 296–300.
Militz, E. (2019). Affective Nationalism: Bodies, Materials and Encounters with the Nation in Azerbaijan. Forum Politische Geographie 15. Münster, Zürich: LIT.
Militz, E., and K. Duplan (2019). A Space for Feminist Geographies at the 16th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. GeoAgenda 2019, no. 1: 26–29.
Schurr, C., and E. Militz (2018). The Affective Economy of Transnational Surrogacy. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 50, no. 8: 1626–45.
Klosterkamp, S., and E. Militz, eds. (2018). Feministische Politische Geographie. Feministische Geo-RundMail 75, no. April.
Militz, E. (2017). On Affect, Dancing and National Bodies. Everyday Nationhood. Theorising Culture, Identity and Belonging after Banal Nationalism, edited by M.Skey and M. Antonsich, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 177–195.
Militz, E., and D. Griesinger (2017). Book Review: Visuelle Geographien: Zur Produktion, Aneignung Und Vermittlung von RaumBildern. Geographica Helvetica 72, no. 1: 137–40.
Militz, E., and C. Schurr (2016). Affective Nationalism: Banalities of Belonging in Azerbaijan. Political Geography 54, no. September: 54–63.
Militz, E. (2016). Public Events and Nation-Building in Azerbaijan. Nation-Building and Identity in the Post-Soviet Space: New Tools and Approaches, edited by R. Isaacs and A. Polese. London, New York: Routledge. 176–194.