Liu, Yongbo

My research interests include: (1) GIS-based hydrologic modeling of watershed and river basin systems, (2) Watershed evaluation of agricultural and livestock Best Management Practices (BMPs), (3) Wetland and river restoration, and (4) Integrated hydrologic-ecologic-economic modeling for resource management.
Currently I am a Physical Sciences Specialist in the Watershed Hydrology and Ecology Research Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada.
- Development and application of the Integrated Modelling system for Watershed Evaluation of BMPs (IMWEBs).
- Modelling and assessment of agricultural and livestock BMPs on water quantity and water quality at field and watershed scale.
- Cost-effective analysis of wetland restoration in Canadian Prairies
Liu, Y., Yang, W., Shao, H., Yu, Z, Lindsay, J., 2018. Development of an integrated modelling system for evaluating water quantity and quality effects of individual wetlands in an agricultural watershed. Water 2018, 10(6), 774,
Liu, Y., Yang, W., Wong, I., and Leon, L., 2016. Hydrologic modelling and evaluation of beneficial management practice scenarios for the Grand River watershed in Southern Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 23: 1289-1301.
Liu, Y., Yang, W., Qin, C., and Zhu, A., 2016. A review and discussion on modeling and assessing agricultural best management practices under global climate change. Journal of Sustainable Development, 9(1): 245-255.
Liu, Y., Yang, W., Yu, Z., Lung, I., and Gharabaghi, B., 2015. Estimating sediment yield from upland and channel erosion at a watershed scale using SWAT, Water Resources Management, 29: 1399–1412.
Liu, Y., Yang, W., Yu, Z., Lung, I., Yarotski, J., and Elliott, J., 2014. Assessing the effects of small dams on stream flow and water quality in an agricultural watershed, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 19(10): 05014015.
Liu, Y., Shen, H., Yang, W., and Yang, J., 2013. Optimization of agricultural BMPs using a parallel computing based multi-objective optimization algorithm, International Journal of Environmental Resources Research, 1(1): 39-50.
Liu, Y., Yang W. and Wang, X., 2008. Development of a SWAT extension module to simulate riparian wetland hydrologic processes at watershed scale, Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6874.
Liu, Y., Yang W. and Wang, X., 2007. GIS-based integration of SWAT and REMM for evaluating water quality benefits of riparian buffers in agricultural watersheds, Transaction of ASAE 50(5): 1549-1563.
Liu, Y., and Chen, Y.N., 2007. Saving the "Green Corridor" - Recharging groundwater to restore riparian forest along the lower Tarim River, China, Ecological Restoration 25(2): 112-117.
Liu, Y. and Yang W., 2007. An interface of drainage division in grid-based hydrologic modeling for complex watersheds, Journal of Spatial Hydrology, 7(1): 66-80.