Pearce, Tristan

My research focuses on the human dimensions of global environmental change, in particular the vulnerability and adaptation of communities and socio-ecological systems to climate change. I am currently working on these issues in partnership with Indigenous communities in the Canadian Arctic, Pacific Islands, and Australia, and the mining sector in Canada. I have a particular interest in traditional knowledge (TK) including the generation and transmission of TK and its role in adaptation to environmental change.
- VaRCCA (Vulnerability and resilience to climate change in the Canadian Arctic) [SSHRC]
- Community Vulnerability, resilience and adaptation to climate change in the Arctic [ArcticNet – NSERC]
- Knowledge co-production for the identification and selection of ecological, social and economic indicators for the Beaufort Sea [ArcticNet – NSERC]
- Climate change adaptation among remote Indigenous populations [USC Fellowship]
- IK-ADAPT 2.0: Inuit traditional knowledge for adapting to the health effects of climate change [CIHR]
Pearce T, Ford J, Cunsolo Willox, A and Smit B (2015). Inuit Traditional ecological knowledge in adaptation to climate change in the Canadian Arctic. Arctic, 68(2): 233-245.
Carter B, Thok S, O’Rourke V and Pearce T (2015). Sustainable tourism in Cambodia: a systematic literature review. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(5): 797-818.
Berrang-Ford L, Pearce T and Ford J. (2015). Systematic Review Approaches for Climate Change Adaptation Research. Regional Environmental Change.
McCubbin S, Smit B and Pearce T (2015). Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change and other stresses in Tuvalu. Global Environmental Change, 30: 43-55.
Collings, P, Marten, M and Pearce T (In Press). Food insecurity, sharing networks and female-headed households in Arctic Canada. Ecology of Food and Nutrition.
Pearce T, Wright H, Notaina R, Kudlak A, Smit B, Ford J and Furgal C (2011) Transmission of environmental knowledge and land skills among Inuit men in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada. Human Ecology, 39: 271-288.
Pearce T, Ford J, Duerden F, Smit B, Andrachuk M, Berrang-Ford L and Smith T (2011) Advancing adaptation planning for climate change in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR): A review and critique. Regional Environmental Change, 11(1): 1-17.
Pearce T, Ford J, Prno J, Duerden F, Pittman J, Beaumier M, Berrang-Ford L and Smit B (2011) Climate change and mining in Canada. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(3): 347-368.
Pearce T, Smit B, Duerden F, Ford J, Goose A and Kataoyak F (2010) Inuit vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada. Polar Record. 46(237): 157-177.
Pearce T, Ford J, Laidler G, Smit B, Duerden F, Allarut M, Andrachuk M, Baryluk S, Dialla A, Elee P, Goose A, Ikummaq T, Inuktalik R, Joamie E, Kataoyak F, Loring E, Meakin S, Nickels S, Scott A, Shappa K, Shirley J and Wandel J (2009) Community research collaboration in the Canadian Arctic. Polar Research, 28: 10-27.
Eric Lede, MA Geography, University of the Sunshine Coast
Thesis: Climate change adaptation in the Arctic
Rachelle Wilson, BSc Honours, University of the Sunshine Coast
- complete 2015
Thesis: Indigenous values and land management on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Rowan Schindler, Industry Project, University of the Sunshine Coast – complete 2014
Thesis: Film for Nunamin Illihakvia: learning from the land
Genévieve Lalonde, BA Honours, Geography, University of Guelph – complete 2014
Thesis: Perceptions of learning success among Inuit and southern educators
Jenna Brown, BSc Honours, University of the Sunshine Coast – complete 2013
Thesis: Public awareness and knowledge in the valuation and conservation of sea turtles on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Olivia Mussels, Bachelor of Science Honours, University of Guelph (co-supervised with Dr. Benjamin Bradshaw) – complete 2011
Thesis: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Baker Lake, Nunavut.